Oh! Apple

My experience of using iPod Touch, iPod Classics, Mac OSX, Coding in XCode, or anything generally related to Apple

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Hackintosh, XCode 5 (Beta 3), Subversion on Windows, oh my ....

Constantly switching between 2 OS could be a pain.  Mixing that with VM, single machine, version control, .... great serious headache.  Yet it's still possible to make them all work with each other.

So I have this hackintosh VM running XCode 5 beta environment, hosting on a Windows 8 machine.  And here's my mission: to have subversion running on Win8, and then allow XCode 5 beta 3 to check-in/out code using subversion.

I already figured out the machine in XCode 4.5, but XCode 5 created a new problem: they changed the version control setting in a way that I CANNOT FIND A WAY to import my XCode project (created by XCode 5) into subversion.

How I work around the problem?  Simply, do the dumbest way: copy the whole project directory (the one that I newly created in XCode 5 beta 3) to the Windows environment.  I then use TortoiseSVN to add the whole project directory to a subversion folder.  Later, on XCode 5, I use [Source Control][Check out ...] to open the check out that URL (in my case, it's svn://{my Windows IP}/trunk/XCode/2013-07-13-FunWithIOS7Stuff ), check out to a local path (somehow the UI shows the word "Trunk" but it had no effect).  And from there, XCode 5's subversion awareness kicks, and I can check in and out code from there.

I also found the in my VM environment, it recognize my iPad 2 with iOS 7 beta 3, and I can use the device for testing and debugging.  Very nice.

So my next challenge is to sort out my priority, in order to find time to continue study on iOS 7.

Tuesday, July 09, 2013

Cleaning on iPad 3

Just seriously removed tons of app from my iPad3 because the system is just getting so freaking slow.  Now I have 25+Gb free space back on my 64Gb iPad 3.  Hopefully things will stay normal for a while.

Tuesday, July 02, 2013

Pocket Briefcase Pro problem ...

iOS Pocket Briefcase Pro app seemed fine ... until I realized that it runs a http server automatically, and there seemed to be no way to turn it off.  That's a serious problem because it interfer other apps from doing WiFi Share.  For that reason, I just have to uninstall it.

Finding the best file repository app for me

Now that I have a iPod Touch 5th Generation, I want to find a file local repository app so that I can use it to storage all kinds of files.  Actually have quite a collection of these days, and found that each has it's strength and weakness:

  • Air Sharing was the one that I first brought since was still using the iPod Touch second generation. I love it's stable WiFi Sharing capability (all I need is map a drive to to the IP of the iPod Touch thought http protocol), and it has a great array of cloud connection capability.  But it misses thumbnail display feature.
  • Phone Drive has nice players for image, music and such, but it's WiFi Sharing capability just doesn't work, and after all the frustration, I just give up from using it.
  • FileApp Pro suffers the same WiFi Sharing problem as Phone Drive, and so I stopped using it.
  • PDF Expert has similar kind of problem.  Yep, WiFi Sharing seemed not working for me.
So at least for now, I am settling with:
  • Folder Plus for music and audiobook playback, mostly because it's ability to navigate back and fore audio files.
  • File Manager for photos (since it has a nice thumbnail view) and videos (since it uses standard Quicktime video control).
Both Folder Plus and File Manager works pretty well with WiFi Sharing, which making loading content to my iPod Touch a super easy task.

Monday, July 01, 2013

Instacast to blame again?

Today I found my iPad gen 3 ultra slow, and I really didn't know why  ... until I looked into Instacast and found that it has a 3.6Gb data cached.  So I cleared the cache, and suddenly everything went smooth again.  Hmmm ... makes your think.