Oh! Apple

My experience of using iPod Touch, iPod Classics, Mac OSX, Coding in XCode, or anything generally related to Apple

Thursday, May 14, 2009

straight 8 to 9 hours

It took straight 8 to 9 hours last night to get my freaking iPod touch to completely sync up with my EEEPC 900. On the bright side, it's done, so I don't have to do that shit at work.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Commit Entire Project ...

I was a little bit frustrated that after I checked in the whole XCode project to subversion, everytime I used the "Commit Entire Project..." option, I got an error message.

Later I realized that it's because the "build" folder also got checked in, and that throws up the subversion.

However, for Windows version of subversion, it seems like ignoring check in based on certain filtering, doesn't work too work.

So as for now, I'll just manually remove the build whenever I check in a new XCode project to subversion. And then I will be able to enjoy the "Commit Entire Project ..." feature.

Setting up Subversion for iPhone Development

After spending so much time on TDD, I simply won't feel comfortable start doing development unless a proper version control and unit testing environment has been set up. So, first thing first, I started working on setting up Subversion.

Since I love my development environment to be as portable as possible. I put the subversion on my removable harddisk, created a batch file so that I can start subversion by simply running the bat file. Notice that I always have my portable harddisk mapped to certain drive, so the batch file should work most of the time.

Setting up Subversion was very easy by following this article. (By the way, this article seems pretty nice too. Also as newbie, read this too.) I played around and found that the Trunk, Branches and Tags directories was not automatically created. So after reading this eBook, I created the files.

Now it's time to check in files from XCode. So I read this instruction, and then checked in. All seemed very stright forward.

Next stop: Unit Testing.

So I followed the instruction provided by this blog. And boom, I have a unit test created, and even checked into Source Control.

Internet is awesome.