Last night, I was trying to setup Native Instruments Kore and then some Kore instruments on Windows 7 OS running on Mac Mini. I encountered 2 set of crazy problems that caused me hours last night.
First it was the Kore problem. I used Kore Player before, and it worked great, but I don't like the idea of activation. So I grabbed "Native Instruments Kore v2.0.1 VST RTAS" and installed it. The installation went OK, but when I started using the Kore 2.1 update, I got error message saying that the Sound file location is invalid and it prevented the sound files from updating (and installing). Sure enough, when I fired up Kore 2, most of the sampling sound were just not available. Worst of all, it also prevents me from installing other Kore instruments. So I have to uninstall all the Kore 2 stuff.
I then tried using Kore Player, and it seemed to work pretty well.
After a good night sleep, I finally aware that I forgot to install the SOUNDS PACK of Kore 2. Maybe that's why everything go south. So I'll will give Kore 2 another shot tonight.
Another crazy thing is about the save mode in Windows 7 on MacMini. I fell into sleep while installing a Kore instruction. When I woke up this morning, I found that the light of MacMini was on, but there was nothing on the screen. Moving mouse, pressing keyboard and even pressing the power button didn't seem to bring the machine back to life. So I had no choice but hard reset the machine. The machine booted up properly on the Mac side. But then I realzied one thing: the external harddisk was GONE. But when I checked the external harddisk, it seemed to be working fine. My theory is that Windows put the external hard into sleep but couldn't managed to bring it back up. So I restarted the external harddisk and then found it showed up properly on the Mac side. I rebooted to Windows, but foudn that Windows startup got stuck at initial loading screen. So I rebooted (to Mac and then to Windows), and this time I pressed F8 to get into option menu. I tried starting the machine in Save mode, but instead the machine spent a while doing something and then rebooted. Interestingly, this time after I tried boot from Windows again, it success.
So in order to save me form headache, I:
- Disabled power off harddisk
- Never put machine into sleep
- Still leaave turning off monitor option
I am still having my machine running at home right now, which, hopefully, when I get home tonight, it will still be running quitely.