Oh! Apple

My experience of using iPod Touch, iPod Classics, Mac OSX, Coding in XCode, or anything generally related to Apple

Saturday, August 04, 2012

My latest Mac Development workflow

Continuing my journey of setting up a casual software development environment on my Mac, I spent most of my time today messing with XCode 4.4, following the "First Mac App" tutorial on Apple web site, and making sure that any code I created are:

  • Version controlled
  • Fully backed up AWAY from my development machine.
I encountered my first hiccup when I tried to use a network drive as the development directory.  While the code compiles, I have serious problem committing changes to the git repository.  Obviously this is NOT the right way to develop.

Then I tried to copy that folder to a local but external hard disk, and found that the problem still exist.  Obviously, something has already been corrupted.

So I decided to incorporate cloud solution.  I created a Google Drive account and set the local location to the same external drive I used before.  Then I create a new project in the Google Drive folder.  This time, the commit seemed to work.

I will continue to keep changing, to make sure that the version control and backing up to the cloud really works.


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